The Bless Brothers story is a tale about

Courage, Family, Love

Manoj, a young, ambitious Singaporean met Mya, a British lady who had left everything she knew in the UK to work in Singapore.

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Our Promise

To You

  • 🗹 Quality
    🗹 Commitment
    🗹 Reliability

  • We believe that our local craftsmen who are capable of producing designer furniture deserve to be known across the world. Thus, our furniture shop in Singapore aims to introduce our brand to various cultures and countries.

    Over the years we have built connections across the globe. It is these relationships we have fostered that allow us to bring you a wide variety of furniture as your trusted partner with complete furniture solutions.

The furniture shop that believesin passion as much as it believes in success!

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Manoj & Mya knew that as their business would grow their donations to the less fortunate would grow too.

On a monthly basis Bless Brothers donates food to the local Children’s homes and elderly Care Homes. Recently with Covid cases soaring, Bless Brothers had also donated food and drinks to the frontline staff at local Singapore hospitals too. Giving back is integral to the Bless Brothers brand.

We just can’t believe it… thank you to ALL OF YOU for following us and contributing to this success story. Who knew that Bless Brothers which started in Singapore would expand overseas to Malaysia and Dubai

  • Ethics

    We believe honesty goes a long way in fostering sincere partnerships. We act with transparency and in the best interest of our team, clients, and suppliers.

  • Quality

    We believe in quality. We work with stylistic professionals and source for quality materials to create French-influenced furniture that is a result of fine craftsmanship esteemed during Victorian times. We conduct vigorous checks throughout all stages of the process so that your purchase stands the test of time.

  • Service

    We strive to provide excellent services that exceed our clients’ expectations and deliver expertise that sets us and our creations apart.